Random Photos of Exotic Fruits

When you are in the produce aisle of your grocery store, you have probably seen some oddly shaped fruits next to your standard fare of apples and bananas. Some resemble vegetables, while others look a bit intimidating, so you quickly scoot your cart past them. While you may be a pro at picking out strawberries and watermelon, there are plenty of fruits just waiting to be explored. It is worth giving these unusual fruits a second pass. Besides, eating colorful fruits can paint a beautiful picture of health.

The national fruit of Bangladesh, jackfruit is the largest treeborne fruit in the world. It has a mild sweet taste and a meatlike texture. You may have even noticed it used as a meatreplacement in some barbecue dishes.

Jackfruit is rich in vitamin C and B and fruits are not typically high in vitamin B, Hemmes said.